Sclerotherapy & Kybella

Sclerotherapy with Asclera

Using Asclera, the new FDA-approved gold standard treatment, sclerotherapy treats varicose veins and spider veins in the legs. Sclerotherapy involves the injection of Asclera into targeted veins, which will damage the blood vessel lining and cause the body to clear the vessel. Ultimately, this reaction leads to the absorption and disappearance of the abnormal leg veins.

The active molecule of polidocanol in Asclera creates an anesthetic effect upon injection, making sclerotherapy a very comfortable treatment. On average, optimal results will be seen after 2-4 treatments. Touch-ups may be needed periodically.

Have more questions? Schedule a consultation today.

Coming in for a treatment? See Sclerotherapy Post Treatment Information.


Winner of Allure’s Best Beauty Breakthrough Award, Kybella is a quick, FDA-approved injectable service that tackles submental fullness (commonly known as “double chin”) and improves your jawline profile.

Utilizing synthetic deoxycholic acid, Kybella aids in the breakdown and efficient absorption of dietary fat, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin without liposuction surgery. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once the desired aesthetic goal is met.

In a report released by Allergan, 79% of individuals treated with Kybella had improved satisfaction with the appearance of the area beneath their chin 12 weeks after the last treatment.

The number of injection treatments varies per individual, so after a personalized assessment we will decide on a treatment plan. Each Kybella treatment is given at least one month apart, and should not exceed six treatments. In the same Allergan report, 59% of patients received six total treatments.

Kybella can also be used to reduce “bra fat” - the roll of fat that can be present under the bra line or between the bra and armpit. During a quick procedure, we inject Kybella into the upper edge of the breast and upper arm to destroy fat cells. Most patients require 2-3 treatments to see optimal results.

Have more questions? Schedule a consultation today.

Coming in for a treatment? See Kybella Pre and Post Treatment Information.